
travel washington

This was taken on the trail by Owens beach. I took the picture right when the sun was setting while incorporating the tree as a little border around on the top right corner making it look like a postcard type in my opinion. I then cropped the picture in Photoshop and changed the red, blue , and green levels individually to really get the skies color to pop out. The light in the middle really catches the attention to my eye which is why its one of my many favorite pictures of Washington. 

travel washington

This was also taken in Tacoma but I went further on onto the boardwalk and waited for the sunset little before I got to the level with the railing and took the picture.I then cropped it and changed the levels in Photoshop to make the sunset more prominent.

travel washington

 This picture was taken at the waterfront in Tacoma and I tried different angles when it came to take the picture and changed the settings on the camera to get the right depth of field .afterward taking a few pictures I finally got my favorite picture and changed the levels o get the final product.

Panoramic and Portraits

This picture was taken on a school trip I took with my photo class around the flower beds . I stood on one position and took many photos of the same place while moving the camera vertically. Afterwards I went onto Photoshop and merged around 30 photos together to get the panoramic effect and cropped it to get it to the right adjustment.  This was also taken in the same location but different place and what I did was use a mini tripod to get the perfect merge later on. I also then after taking a few I downloaded the photos to Photoshop and merged about the same amount of photos. then I cropped the photo to get I the right ratio when I printed it .This is my favorite photo out of all the ones I did. My last picture that I took was in the studio in my photo class I used the blue backround to really contrast his skin color and the way his eye color pops out in the photo mainly. Also I used two lights on his left side while the other on his right but behind his head to crea...

Photo Journalism 3

For this picture I went to event at three to take pictures of an art event that was occurring at the time. I focused one the event most of the part but then I saw the cookies were a main snack that was being eaten so I capture that. I changed my aperture and shutter speed on manual mode o get  the perfect lighting and depth of field for the picture to have. I then photo shopped it a little with the levels and cropping the right way t o get the picture to come out like that. This picture was taken also at the same event but I focused more on the money that was being collected for donation and the raffle tickets during the event. For this I squatted a little to get at eye level with the table and my aperture was at the same it was last time but focusing more on the white paper then the red. I then used Photoshop to change the levels ,to crop, and fro the picture to be clear for the outcome.