Photo Journalism 3
For this picture I went to event at three to take pictures of an art event that was occurring at the time. I focused one the event most of the part but then I saw the cookies were a main snack that was being eaten so I capture that. I changed my aperture and shutter speed on manual mode o get the perfect lighting and depth of field for the picture to have. I then photo shopped it a little with the levels and cropping the right way t o get the picture to come out like that. This picture was taken also at the same event but I focused more on the money that was being collected for donation and the raffle tickets during the event. For this I squatted a little to get at eye level with the table and my aperture was at the same it was last time but focusing more on the white paper then the red. I then used Photoshop to change the levels ,to crop, and fro the picture to be clear for the outcome.