
Showing posts from March, 2018

Photo Journalism 3

For this picture I went to event at three to take pictures of an art event that was occurring at the time. I focused one the event most of the part but then I saw the cookies were a main snack that was being eaten so I capture that. I changed my aperture and shutter speed on manual mode o get  the perfect lighting and depth of field for the picture to have. I then photo shopped it a little with the levels and cropping the right way t o get the picture to come out like that. This picture was taken also at the same event but I focused more on the money that was being collected for donation and the raffle tickets during the event. For this I squatted a little to get at eye level with the table and my aperture was at the same it was last time but focusing more on the white paper then the red. I then used Photoshop to change the levels ,to crop, and fro the picture to be clear for the outcome.

Dutch Angle

This picture was taken around a park that I go to frequently. How I got the picture is a changed the aperture so the little pinecone was focused and my hand. I then grabbed the camera and changed it a angle while holding the pinecone in the other hand and positioning. To finalize the picture I went into to Photoshop cropped the photo, change the blurredness of  the background even more. overall this picture is one of my favorites.


in my photo class we were assigned to do a research project on any famous photographers from the past and recreate their style of photographer that I chose was Emmet Gowin and his types of photo were landscapes and portraits all in black and white mostly. I took this picture in a park close to my house and recreated a picture that's similar to this one I took but a woman instead.its all about recreating the style. I then ad him pose as how it was in the picture. I then took it to Photoshop and fixed the levels and turned it in black and whit.over all this picture is one of my favorite.